9 research outputs found

    Improving a Modular Verification Technique for Aspect Oriented Programming

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    As aspect oriented software becomes more popular, there will be more demand for a method of verifying the correctness of the programs. This paper tries to address the verification issue by improving a modular verification technique proposed by Krisnamuhrti et al. The technique has the problem that it can not handle every aspect, which may result in a false awnser. By checking the type of the aspect in advance we can prevent this behavior. The proposed solution also improves some other issues regarding the model-checker

    Achieving QVTO & ATL Interoperability: An Experience Report on the Realization of a QVTO to ATL Computer

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    With the emergence of a number of model transformation languages the need for interoperability among them increases. The degree at which this interoperability can be achieved between two given languages depends heavily on their paradigms (declarative vs imperative). Previous studies have indicated that the QVT and ATL languages are compatible. In this paper we study the possibility to compile QVT Operational to the ATL virtual machine. We describe our experience of developing such a compiler. The resulting compiled QVT transformations can run on top of existing ATL tools. Thereby we achieve not only QVT/ATL interoperability but also QVT conformance for the ATL tools as defined in the QVT specification

    Variations on Multi-Core Nested Depth-First Search

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    Recently, two new parallel algorithms for on-the-fly model checking of LTL properties were presented at the same conference: Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 2011. Both approaches extend Swarmed NDFS, which runs several sequential NDFS instances in parallel. While parallel random search already speeds up detection of bugs, the workers must share some global information in order to speed up full verification of correct models. The two algorithms differ considerably in the global information shared between workers, and in the way they synchronize. Here, we provide a thorough experimental comparison between the two algorithms, by measuring the runtime of their implementations on a multi-core machine. Both algorithms were implemented in the same framework of the model checker LTSmin, using similar optimizations, and have been subjected to the full BEEM model database. Because both algorithms have complementary advantages, we constructed an algorithm that combines both ideas. This combination clearly has an improved speedup. We also compare the results with the alternative parallel algorithm for accepting cycle detection OWCTY-MAP. Finally, we study a simple statistical model for input models that do contain accepting cycles. The goal is to distinguish the speedup due to parallel random search from the speedup that can be attributed to clever work sharing schemes.Comment: In Proceedings PDMC 2011, arXiv:1111.006

    Parallel Recursive State Compression for Free

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    This paper focuses on reducing memory usage in enumerative model checking, while maintaining the multi-core scalability obtained in earlier work. We present a tree-based multi-core compression method, which works by leveraging sharing among sub-vectors of state vectors. An algorithmic analysis of both worst-case and optimal compression ratios shows the potential to compress even large states to a small constant on average (8 bytes). Our experiments demonstrate that this holds up in practice: the median compression ratio of 279 measured experiments is within 17% of the optimum for tree compression, and five times better than the median compression ratio of SPIN's COLLAPSE compression. Our algorithms are implemented in the LTSmin tool, and our experiments show that for model checking, multi-core tree compression pays its own way: it comes virtually without overhead compared to the fastest hash table-based methods.Comment: 19 page

    Multi-Core BDD Operations for Symbolic Reachability

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    This paper presents scalable parallel BDD operations for modern multi-core hardware. We aim at increasing the performance of reachability analysis in the context of model checking. Existing approaches focus on performing multiple independent BDD operations rather than parallelizing the BDD operations themselves. In the past, attempts at parallelizing BDD operations have been unsuccessful due to communication costs in shared memory. We solved this problem by extending an existing lockless hashtable to support BDDs and garbage collection and by implementing a lockless memoization table. Using these lockless hashtables and the work-stealing framework Wool, we implemented a multi-core BDD package called Sylvan. We provide the experimental results of using this multi-core BDD package in the framework of the model checker LTSmin. We measured the runtime of the reachability algorithm on several models from the BEEM model database on a 48-core machine, demonstrating speedups of over 30 for some models, which is a breakthrough compared to earlier work. In addition, we improved the standard symbolic reachability algorithm to use a modified BDD operation that calculates the relational product and the variable substitution in one step. We show that this new algorithm improves the performance of symbolic reachability and decreases the memory requirements by up to 40%

    Efficient Implementation of LIMDDs for Quantum Circuit Simulation

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    Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Improved Multi-Core Nested Depth-First Search

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    This paper presents CNDFS, a tight integration of two earlier multi-core nested depth-first search (NDFS) algorithms for LTL model checking. CNDFS combines the different strengths and avoids some weaknesses of its predecessors. We compare CNDFS to an earlier ad-hoc combination of those two algorithms and show several benefits: It has shorter and simpler code and a simpler correctness proof. It exhibits more stable performance and scalability, while at the same time reducing memory requirements. The algorithm has been implemented in the multi-core backend of the LTSmin model checker, which is now benchmarked for the first time on a 48 core machine (previously 16). The experiments demonstrate better scalability than other parallel LTL model checking algorithms, but we also investigate apparent bottlenecks. Finally, we noticed that the multi-core NDFS algorithms produce shorter counterexamples, surprisingly often shorter than their BFS-based counterparts